Tuesday 12 May 2015

Personal/Serious | Girls should not swear? Hell no!

>>NSFW, super scary female profanity below!<<

You know what really bugs me? When someone strolls up to you and states that 'it's unladylike to swear.' 

Well fuck me, is that the fucking case? 

I was once called out on my sailor mouth by a stranger. The pavements were slick due to rain or whatever and I slipped and nearly fell over. Naturally and without much thought I said 'Whoa, shit!'

This random dude dropped that line on me. 'It's unattractive to swear.'

You know what? These kind of situations make me wonder what he'd say if I was a male. Nothing probably. The worst is being chided by people for saying 'hell.'

Can I say heck then? What about gosh darn it? Golly? Gee whizz? Swell?

The truth is, girls shouldn't put up with this crap. 
I mean, I don't usually swear that often, though it's not because I'm against it.

It's fine for people to not want someone who swears a lot, but it's also fine for me to want somebody that I don't have to censor myself around.
In a social situation I really do not care if someone is swearing. 
Most normal people don't care and it's fine. 
It's not like I'm going to get cancer of the ear-hole due to hearing a few 'fucks' getting thrown around.

In a formal/working/business situation it might matter, sure, I relent to that prospect. Certain situations call for more discreet language to be used, I get that. 
But that doesn't mean that it's a-okay for someone else to tell me that I shouldn't swear in a situation where they 

A.) aren't my boss or
B.) aren't the parents of small children that I'm directly interacting with.

There's a big difference between, 'I don't like it when you swear,' and, 'You shouldn't swear, ever.' 

The aforementioned reasoning that I shouldn't swear because it is 'unattractive' is also pretty presumptuous. I'm not walking down the streets on a raining day thinking about how attractive/unattractive I am to strangers. 
Hell, I have a boyfriend, so I don't care what you think!
Not that having a boyfriend/girlfriend matters. Lots of people don't give a damn what strangers think about anyway. When I was single I didn't care much about it., like, at all.

By all means, those people can make judgments about girls who dare to swear, it's their god-given right. 

But please, if you fall into this category, keep your bloody opinions to yourself.